Open data in accordance with the budget legislation

Kadastr agentligi 2023-yil 1-chorak balans ma'lumotlari

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2023-yilda Kadastr agentligi tomonidan qurilish, rekonstruksiya qilish va taʼmirlash ishlari boʻyicha oʻtkazilgan tanlovlar (tenderlar) toʻgʻrisidagi ma'lumot

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2023-yilda Kadastr agentligi tomonidan kapital qoʻyilmalar hisobidan amalga oshirilayotgan loyihalarning ijrosi toʻgʻrisidagi ma'lumotlar

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Information on public procurement planned by the cadastral agency for the purchase of fixed assets and commodity material assets in the second quarter of 2023

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Information about official motor vehicles, official housing and other immovable property at the disposal of state bodies and organizations (with the exception of things used in operational search, military and other special services).

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Information on state-owned enterprises, as well as cars, service houses and other real estate owned by legal entities belonging to these enterprises.

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The competition (tenders) held by the agency are the composition of the commission to determine the winner

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The cadastral agency provides information on public procurement, including goods (works, services) that are purchased under direct contracts by persons carrying out public procurement.

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Information on the funds allocated to the cadastral agency and budget organizations in its disposal at the expense of budgetary funds

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On the expenses incurred by the cadastral agency for the reception and observation of foreign guests in the i quarter of 2023 Reference

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Davlat ishtirokidagi korxonalar, shuningdek, ushbu korxonalarga tegishli bo‘lgan yuridik shaxslar tasarrufidagi yengil avtomobillar, xizmat uylari va boshqa ko‘chmas mulklar to‘g‘risidagi maʼlumotlar

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Kadastr agentligi va tizim tashkilotlari tasarrufidagi xizmat avtomototransport vositalari, xizmat uylari va boshqa ko‘chmas mulklar to‘g‘risidagi maʼlumotlar (tezkor-qidiruv, harbiy va boshqa maxsus xizmatlarda foydalaniladigan ashyolar bundan mustasno)

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