
It became known that in Karakalpakstan over the past 9 months, more than 200 hectares of land have been seized arbitrarily, 2,748 citizens have been brought to administrative fines
Decision and execution: strict measures are taken against violators of land legislation

Cadastre: the land must be sold at the price set by the entrepreneur

Land control in Andijan

Cooperation is being established between the Cadastre Agency and the Geodetic Department of the Republic of Serbia.

In Andijan, about 36 thousand real estate objects have passed state registration

Training seminar on the essence and content of the norms of the Land Code on urban development

A press conference is being held in Fergana.

A scientific and practical conference on the topic "Best practices in the use of geospatial technologies for the development of territories" has begun its work

Illegally seized 728 land plots have been returned

"Socio-political activity of women of the Cadastre Agency"

Numerous appeals related to the activities of the Cadastre Agency and the decisions taken on them can be found using the following infographic.