
Press conference

Press conference with the participation of officials of the cadastral agency


A new decision was made

A spiritual and educational event was held in the cadastral agency.

A training seminar on land and cadastral control is being held in Andijan.

"Real estate registration and modernization of cadastral systems"

International meeting in cadastre

” On public procurement " introduced employees with the essence of the 684th issue of April 22, 2021

A legal literacy lesson was held with the participation of the staff of the central office of the cadastral agency.

Today at the National Press Center of Uzbekistan was held a press conference on the topic “main issues raised at the meeting on the issues of formation of land accounting and state cadastres, introduction of digital technologies to the sphere, as well as the identified tasks".

At the briefing held in the Aoka, the head of the Information Service of the cadastral agency Ne'mat Atamuratov gave information on the work carried out in the system in 2021 year.