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Yangi O‘zbekiston ma’muriy islohotlarini amalga oshirish chora-tadbirlari to‘g‘risida” 2022-yil 21-dekabrdagi 269-son Farmoni bo'yicha seminar
In Surkhandarya, about 54 thousand applicants have been issued cadastral passports – S.Shaimardanov
Dear brave and brave sons of our Motherland
Changes in legislation are designed to create convenience for citizens and entrepreneurs
Property rights to real estate objects are subject to state registration
It is necessary to increase the number of qualified personnel in the field of
The terms of formation of the cadastral passport have been significantly reduced
How many days will the employees of the system rest Cadastre agencies during the New Year holidays?
Tasks are given on the identified shortcomings
The geography of international cooperation in the field of land and property relations of the Cadastre Agency is expanding
Cadastral Service: results of the year and tasks for the future