
Over the past 2022, 938 cases of unauthorized seizure of 318.27 hectares of land were detected in Surkhandarya region.

At the moment, a press conference has begun in the National Press Center of Uzbekistan with the participation of the heads of the Surkhandarya regional departments of the Cadastre Agency and the Chamber of State Cadastres.

On March 17 of this year, with the participation of deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, a dialogue on the draft Constitutional Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was held for employees of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Cadastre Agency.

A nationwide charity hashar was held at the Cadastre Agency.

In the Kasansky district, 1115 hectares of pasture land on the Turon territory have been occupied by 85 citizens for many years arbitrarily without any title deeds and used on illegal grounds - mainly grazing cattle.

On the basis of the received applications, cadastral passports for more than 36.0 thousand were formed, as well as state registration of 44.6 thousand buildings and structures was provided.

During 2022, the Kashkadarya regional departments of the Cadastre Agency and the Chamber of State Cadastres and its district (city) branches of the 2.9 million hectares of land available in the region, 2.5 million hectares are reflected in the national geoinformation system or the unified integration program "UzKAD"

In 2022, during the land supervision activities in Kashkadarya region, 1934 cases of illegal seizure of land plots on an area of 1720.7 hectares and the construction of illegal buildings on these land plots were revealed.

Do you know that you can privatize a land plot without leaving your home?

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During the activities carried out by the Andijan Regional Department of the Cadastre Agency, 1,028 cases of unauthorized seizure of 153.7 hectares of land were identified in the region in 2022.

The state registration of rights to 55 thousand 228 real estate objects that arose in 2022 has been secured