
Now in the Turakurgan district of Namangan region, an exit reception has begun its work

How many days will employees of the Cadastre Agency system rest in March?

Has the owner of the land been found?!

Privatization of land plots

Land and cadastral control activities carried out by the Cadastre Agency during January 2023

Dear citizens and entrepreneurs of Namangan region!

The campaign "I am a donor" is being held throughout the republic

A meeting is currently taking place with representatives of the research Institute "Fazo" of the Committee of Land Resources and Geodesy of the Republic of Tajikistan and the State Unitary Enterprise "Dushanbe Aerogeodesia".

Cadastral workers have created an electronic map of more than 2 million hectares of agricultural land in Kashkadarya

River power sources

A set of test questions for the qualification exam for cadastral real estate engineers has been published

The first online meeting of the participating countries of the Eurasian Spatial Data Infrastructure Initiative (Eurasia SDI) and members of the organizing committee took place in 2023