Territorial administrations
Head of the Department of the Cadastre Agency of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
Tleuov Isatay Abdigalievich

Head of the Andijan Regional Department of the Cadastre Agency
Berdikulov Fayoziddin Kholmatovich

Acting Head of the Bukhara Regional Department of the Cadastre Agency
Habibov Yashin Xayrullayevich

Head of the Jizzakh Regional Department of the Cadastre Agency, etc.
Head of the Department - Sidikov Nadir Eshkuvatovich
Acting Head of the Kashkadarya Regional Department of the Cadastre Agency
Usmonov Jasur Ziyodullayevich

Acting Head of the Navoi Regional Department of the Cadastre Agency
Nishonov Doniyor Baxtiyorovich

Head of the Namangan Regional Department of the Cadastre Agency
Pazilov Bahrom Bahodirovich

Acting head of the Samarkand regional department of the Cadastre Agency
Xudayqulov Fozilbek Mardonovich

Head of the Syrdarya Regional Department of the Cadastre Agency
Acting head of the Department - Ruziqulov Shavkat Norbayevich
Head of the Surkhandarya Region Cadastre Agency
Abdiraxmonov Menglimamat Abdushukurovich
Head of the Tashkent Regional Department of the Cadastre Agency
Payziev Rustam Qulmaxamatovich

Head of the Fergana regional department of the cadastral agency under the State Tax Committee
Mashrapov Nodirjon Ruziboevich

Head of the Khorezm regional department of the Cadastre Agency
Jumabayev Bexzod Madaminovich