External debt

In 2023, on behalf of the Republic of Uzbekistan, or with the involvement of foreign loans under the guarantee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the investment projects to be implemented Reference

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2022-yilda Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi nomidan, yoki Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi kafolati ostida xorijiy kreditlar jalb qilgan holda amalga oshiriladigan investitsiya loyihalari boʻyicha MAʼLUMOT 14.07.2022

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Information on the disbursement of funds under the project "Modernization of real estate registration and cadastre system" with the participation of the World Bank

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Information on the disbursement of funds under the project "Modernization of real estate registration and cadastre system" with the participation of the World Bank(table)

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