Central office of the Agency
Advisor to the director on issues of improving the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work, ensuring compliance with state language legislation
Rustamova Zarnigor Farxodovna
Head of the Public Relations Department of the cadastral agency-advisor to the director for information policy issues
Atamuratov Ne’matjon Axmedjanovich
Head of anti-corruption department
Shamansurov Baxtiyor Kaxramonovich
Head of the Department of methodology and methodological support
Nishanov Bexzod Yusufovich
Head of the legal department
Amirqulov Djamshid Djumayevich
Head of the first department
Azizova Gulrux Maxmudovna
Head of the Department of delimitation and demarcation of the state border
Umarov Dilshod Muxtorovich
Xalqaro aloqalar va reytinglar bo‘limi boshlig'i
Abdugafurova Zilola Abdullayevna
Head of the Department of Land Remote Sensing, Geodesy and cartography
Ergeshov Ixtiyar Makkambayevich
Head of the Department of Land and Cadastre Control
Deputy head of the Department of land and cadastral control
Axmedov Nodir Muxtarovich
Head of cadastral Control Department
Kadirov Sarvar Sayidakbarovich
Head of land control
Safarov O‘tkir Abdixomidovich
Deputy head of the Department of analysis of the collection
Bozorov Dilshod Umedovich
Head of the Department of Geodetic Inspection
Imomkulov Utkir Khotamovich
Head of the Department of aggregate information analysis
Sultanov Feruz Bakhritdinovich
Deputy Head of the Department of Geodetic Control - Head of the Project Expertise Department
Khushvaktov Bakhrom Alisherovich
Timely and high-quality fulfillment of tasks and instructions given by the director of the agency and his deputies and the head of the department of geodetic control, as well as the functions and tasks assigned to the departments and the department within the framework of their position;
control over compliance with the established procedure for carrying out work in the field of geodesy and cartography and the requirements of regulatory and technical documents and state standards;
examination and registration of technical projects (programs), performance of geodetic and cartographic works in order to check the compatibility of methods and technologies used in the field of geodesy and cartography, development and accounting of initial data and materials in the works;
registration of works related to geodesy and cartography, of national and special (network) significance;
control over the use of state and local coordinate systems and heights by organizations in the field of geodesy and cartography;
control over compliance with the established procedure for compiling and publishing maps, plans and atlases by enterprises, institutions and organizations engaged in geodetic and cartographic activities;
control over the correct display of the State Border and the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan in cartographic materials and other documents;
Participation in the development of guidelines, norms, rules, standards and other regulatory documents on the conduct of geodesy and cartography.
Head of Geodesy and Topography Control Department
Izayev Sherzod Sharofovich
Head of the administrative practice Department
Omanov Dilshodbek Rustambekovich
Head of the Department of work with regions in the maintenance of land, buildings and structures cadastras
Isometdinov Baxriddin Bahovatdinovich
Head of the Department of coordination of state registration of cadastral and real estate rights
Yuldashev Jaxongir Ergashevich
Deputy head of the Department of coordination of state registration of cadastral and real estate rights
Raximov Zafar Sadritdinovich
Head of the Department for the Development of National Spatial Data Infrastructure
Zokirov Sherzodbek Nishonboyevich
The main tasks and activities of the department are:
1) in the field of spatial data:
formation and implementation of a unified state policy in the field of spatial information;
development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (hereinafter - NSDI);
coordination of the activities of state and economic management bodies, local government bodies, as well as persons working in the field of spatial data, on aspects of spatial information and the development of NSDI.
2) in the field of maintaining state cadastres:
ensuring the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of maintaining state cadastres;
Maintaining a Unified System of State Cadastres;
coordination of the activities of government bodies and local governments in the field of maintaining state cadastres.
Head of digital technology department
Abdullayev Olimjon Maxmudjonovich
Head of the Department of Finance and economics
G‘aybullayev Shaxriyor Baxtiyor o‘g‘li
Ishlar boshqarmasi boshlig'i
Inomov Rustam Nizamovich
Head of the Department of organizational control and work with appeals
Shoniyozov Doston Faxriddin o'g'li