Administrative department report


📌As a result of control measures carried out by the territorial bodies of the Agency for 8 months of this year, 23,584 cases of untimely application for state registration of rights to real property were identified. Administrative cases were considered by the territorial bodies of the Agency. 5,881 million against 23,584 people brought to administrative responsibility. Administrative fines in the amount of 3,633 million soums were imposed. sum.

🔶In particular, in Namangan region 4,238 (1,065 million soums were used and 744 million soums were collected), in Khorezm region 4,142 (1,031 million soums were used, 767 million soums were used). 3,174 in Fergana region (776 million soums were used and 335 million soums were collected), 3,145 in the Republic of Karakalpakstan (776 million soums were used). 514 million soums were collected).