Do you know?
Cadastral pasp for real estate obyektorti formalize or re-formalize in the following cases:
Send online application for the use of the state registration service of the agreement on the right to use the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan in a limited manner (servitut)
Do you want to contact the cadastral service, but do not have time?
Send an online application for the use of the referral service for the donation or exchange of real estate and the application for purchase and sale
Dear compatriots!
Round tables were held on the topic of" corruption - development kusanda".
Awarding ceremony in cadastre
A visit reception was held in the Kumkurgan District of the surkhandarya region.
For the first time the National Atlas of Uzbekistan was published
A meeting was held on the results of analytical control over the activities of the Department of Tashkent region
Nadir Akhmedov, head of the Department of cadastral control, introduced the employees of the agency with the essence of the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 16, 2021 number Orq-708.