State registration of mortgages and agreements on mortgages of buildings and structures, as well as property rights to a land plot
Permission for conversion and reconstruction of the facility
Registration of a cadastral passport
Submission of an application for state registration of rights to real estate objects
Citizens who failed to register their real estate rights in Yangiyer were fined
The Samarkand regional department of the Cadastre Agency is working to find a solution to the appeals
Kadastr agentligining Yer va kadastr nazorati boshqarmasi hamda Ma'muriy amaliyot bo‘limi tomonidan o‘tgan davr mobaynida qilingan ishlar to‘g‘risida ma'lumot
12 422 ta holatda 2 178,2 gektar yer maydonlari o‘zboshimchalik bilan egallab olingan
Kadastr Geodeziya nazorati
Kadastr Xalqaro hamkorlik
Oliy Majlis Senatining o‘n sakkizinchi yalpi majlisi oldidan o‘tkaziladigan Axborot siyosati va davlat organlarida ochiqlikni taʼminlash masalalari qo‘mitasining majlisi bo'lib o'tmoqda