Open data in accordance with the budget legislation

2021 yil IV chorakda Kadastr agentligi tomonidan o‘tkazilgan tanlovlar (tenderlar) va amalga oshirilgan davlat xaridlari to‘g‘risidagi ma'lumot


2021 yil IV chorakda Kadastr agentligi tomonidan kapital qo‘yilmalar hisobidan amalga oshirilayotgan loyihalarning ijrosi to‘g‘risidagi ma'lumot


2021 yil IV chorakda Kadastr agentligiga byudjetdan ajratilgan mablag‘larning chegaralangan miqdorining o‘z tasarrufidagi byudjet tashkilotlari kesimida taqsimoti to‘g‘risida ma'lumot


Davlat soliq qoʼmitasi huzuridagi Kadastr agentligining II-yarim yillik ish rejasi


Information on vehicles on the balance of enterprises and organizations under the Cadastre Agency under the State Tax Committee


Information on vehicles on the balance of the Cadastre Agency under the State Tax Committee and its territorial departments


Information on the funds for the Cadastre Agency, which are planned to be allocated from the budget of the Republic in the IV quarter of 2021 for land management, geodesy, cartography and the state cadastre


Information on vehicles on the balance sheet of enterprises and organizations under the cadastral agency to 31.10.2021 year status


Information on the vehicles on the balance sheet of the cadastral agency and its regional departments was sent to 31.10.2021 for the year


Report on the movement of other extrabudgetary funds as of 01.07.2021


Information on the distribution of a limited amount of funds allocated from the budget to the Cadastral Agency in the II quarter of 2021 by budgetary organizations at its disposal.


On tenders and public procurement conducted by the Cadastral Agency for the purchase of fixed assets in the second quarter of 2021.
